<aside> πŸ’‘ This is a FREE Notion Template made by Ruiz from PFChallenger Feel free to make a copy of this Template for your own good use 😊

Quick links

Critical Actions

Weekly Plan

12 Week Year Goals

Visioning Table

3 Principles

(1) 100% Commitment and Accountability (2) Focus on Actions, Not Results (3) δΈ€η”Ÿζ‡Έε‘½ Ishhoukenmei (Best effort, with your heart & soul)

4 Step Process

(1) Visioning

<aside> πŸ’‘ NOTE Conduct visioning on Day 0 at the beginning of your 12 week year.



(2) Planning

<aside> πŸ’‘ NOTE

  1. Planning is a weekly task. It indicates the start of a new week.
  2. Plan to work only at most 6 days a week. Rest is critical for the mind and spirit.
  3. I recommend doing Planning for next week, immediately after the current week's Reflection session.



(3) Action

<aside> πŸ’‘ NOTE

  1. Get your shit done.



(4) Reflection